Chapter 7 Blog
Creative Connector:
In this chapter the author asks his students to evaluate his lessons in the middle of a unit. The feedback he receives is surprising to him, especially since his students are so open and honest. At the end of my student teaching experience I had students write evaluations of how they thought I did as a teacher. Most feedback was positive, except for my Level 4 class. They were harsh. I was surprised by this because no one really gave any sign of being that dissatisfied with my lessons. I wish I had known before so I could have fixed my mistakes.
A lot of this chapter deals with the author's first impressions of students and how they proved him wrong. I think we all have probably had this experience. When I first started student teaching I had this one student who tried his very hardest to get under my skin. He quite often acted like a brat when he didn't get his way. But after a while he let down his wall and actually started to like me. I was then able to see the real person he was and he actually became one of my favorite students.
Rigorous Researcher:
I find it really important to build good relationships with students, so I found some how-to sites on how to do so. (Ignore all the links at the top of the page, the content is actually useful)
Essence Extractor:
There needs to be respect and understanding between teachers and students.
Stephanie - I completely agree with those "tough shell" kids and your blog on how it is hard to tell if they truly do care or not half the time. We all have students who will try to get under our skin and disrupt the class constantly, and they are always the kids that drive us crazy! It is nice to read those letters in this chapter from kids that Mr. Michie thought for sure didn't care either, until he finds out that they actually do. It's sad and discouraging that we don't always know how to get what we want and need out of these kids but they do care and just need someone to listen. - Rachel Mosher