Saturday, November 20, 2010

Final Reflections - Rachel Mosher

In what ways have you examined fundamental beliefs about diverse learners with respect to learning and teaching
            Since reading Holler If You Hear Me, the teaching methods and approaches to diverse learners suggested by Greg Michie throughout his book and really shown me how diverse we must be as teachers to reach individual students. Mr. Michie’s approach to teaching truly impacted the way students were able to connect to one another and appreciate their community and environment around them. My beliefs about diverse learners in respect to learning and teaching has been strengthened by the many ways Mr. Michie took the time to dig deeper with his students and teach according to the student interest, learning styles, and so on. He was able to connect with his students on a different level and touched their lives on personal levels where they felt comfortable enough to open their minds to new possibilities.

How or in what ways have you reframed your perspectives on diversity with the intent to inform future practice?
I spoke to this question during our class discussion this week, but I have to say that my perspective has completely taken a major turn in my original perspective on teaching in an urban setting. I would once have to agree and say that I was very opposed to the idea of ever teaching in an urban setting school district. I was never really exposed to this type of setting and from all of the rumors I had heard about teaching in the urban setting, I remember saying I many occasions that it would actually scare me to teach in this type of environment. After reading the rewarding and amazing journey Mr. Michie made with his students in an urban setting, I now feel ashamed and embarrassed for ever feeling scared or making these comments about teaching in an urban setting. I realize that I had a major “single story” when it came to teachers and students in an urban setting school district. I now feel that my opinion and perspective on the possibility of teaching in an urban setting has completely changed and I am much more open to the idea of having a future teaching job in an urban school district.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Final Thoughts- Stephanie Baldwin

In what ways have you examined fundamental beliefs about diverse learners with respect to learning and teaching?
This book helped me see that even if I didn't grow up with the same experience as my students, I will still be able to find ways to reach out to them.

How or in what ways have you reframed your perspectives on diversity with the intent to inform future practice?
I think someone else may have said this also, but before reading this book I was very intimidated by urban school districts.  I could never see myself teaching in one and had no clue how I would ever relate to the students.  This book helped me see that as long as I care about the students and make an effort, it doesn't matter where I teach or what background my students have.   

Final Reflection- Hannah Schreiber

In what ways have you examined fundamental beliefs about diverse learners with respect to learning and teaching?

Throughout this book, I have learned a lot about the urban learner and different needs that this kind or learner has. I learned about different teaching styles that Mr. Michie uses to reach these urban learners, such as digging into culturally significant, and relevant issues that are happening right outside of these children's doorsteps. When you use matter that is relevant to the children's lives it really makes learning not so much of a chore.
 How or in what ways have you reframed your perspectives on diversity with the intent to inform future practice?

I honestly agree with what Kathleen said in her blog. Before reading this book, the thought of teaching in an urban setting completely terrified me. I've heard horror stories of 6 yr olds bringing 6 inch blades into school for "show-and-tell". Now that I have read this book and Mr. Michie's accounts of what he did in the classroom and what his class meant to so many children, it really seems to me like such a rewarding job. As teachers, we have such an ability to create change for these children and that is really what I want to do as a teacher is change the lives of my students. Reading this book really made me re-think my fear of Urban schools, and who knows, maybe I'll be teaching in the city of Rochester in the next few years. :-) 

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Kathleen - Final Reflection

End of Book Reflection:
Through this class and the exploration of this book I’ve come to be analyze my own teaching practices. I am challenged to face my thinking of urban schools, and address that since I have no direct experience in an urban setting that I do have misconceptions about schools like Quincy. I know that the experiences I’ve had with students in an urban setting are almost identical to those I’ve had in suburban settings, and I know and completely believe that kids are kids no matter where they come from. Whether about urban education, learners from various ethnic or religious backgrounds or students with disabilities I need to approach teaching, not with a deficit model of thinking, but rather asking what can students bring to the table.
I don’t know if my views have been changed, so much as cemented. I have no real experience teaching in an urban setting so many of the things discussed in Holler if You Hear Me I have never experienced first hand but the themes, the major thoughts brought up in Michie’s chapters easily relate to experiences that occur in every classroom. The more I read and the more I learn about other classrooms the vision of what I want to create for my own classroom becomes more and more clear. I want to teach my curriculum with relevancy to student experience, I want to give students a voice in class, to allow them to be teachers as well as learners. My goal is to create a space where students want to learn, where they feel valued and able to share their experiences and participate in the class learning. I understand that I come into the classroom as biased and that I need to continually challenge these biases, and work to create a classroom free of bias so that my students are learning material not my opinion. No matter who they are and what challenges they may face a student is a student and deserves my respect, attention and my concentration as an individual.

Chapter 10- Hannah Schreiber


Yesenia tells Mr. Michie that she is afraid to graduate- p.174
I'm sure that all of us have felt this way at some point or another, fearing the end of another chapter in our lives. In 5th grade I was afraid to move on to 6th grade because I had heard that the teacher was really mean. In 6th grade I was afraid to "graduate" because I would be moving to a new school with only 2 of my classmates from elementary school. In 8th grade I was afraid to "graduate" because once again, I was moving to a new school where not all of my best friends were going. After Highschool, I was terrified to move to college. I bawled my eyes out for a week straight just before move-in weekend. As the end of my senior year of college drew nearer, I had the same terrified feeling. Who knew what was coming next. I didn't have a job lined up, I hadn't heard back from Naz if I had gotten into my program or not, and worst of all, I didn't know if I'd ever see my friends anymore since we live so far away. In the end, if we are strong enough, we make it through these minor bumps in the road and move on to bigger things and greater possibilities.

"What had mattered for Martn Ruiz, and for a half-dozen other quincy eighth graders, were two 40-minute-long multiple choice tests they'd taken back in April"p. 177
Honestly, this pissed me off. After all of his dedication and hard work, just to fail a stupid multiple choice test by one point seems just a bit stupid to me. I don't think that any standardized test does our students justice. The only real way to truly know their understanding is to have a conversation with them, or observe them completing a related task. There is always some oddly stated question, or tricky answers that throw the kids off. If standardized test scores were accurate then over a half of my class is below where I know they are.

"I plan to change the world A naive notion? Maybe. Chiched? Perhaps. But Gyasi's bold declaration none-the-less crystallizes whi I-- and I think most teachers-- chose our vocation in the first place, and, more importantly, why we keep on keeping on." p. 193 (its actually a part of the afterword to the 1st edition)
So very true. I became a teacher because I wanted to impact the lives of young learners. I wanted to spark a love for learning that carries them through the rest of their education (and possibly lives). Its a big expectation for myself, but my Grandmother has told me a story 100 times about a teacher she had when she was 6. She still remembers what she looked like, remembers how she treated her students, and claims to be able to still hear her voice. Thats what I want to be for my students. I want them to remember me in a good way when they're 84, and more importantly, I want them to remember the values that I've tried to instill in them.

 Mr. Michie describes what the mariachi band looks and sounds like, but I figured that a mere description couldn't possibly do the real performance justice, so I looked up some videos of mariachi bands:

Essence Extractor: Teachers need to celebrate those seemingly small milestones in their students journey. it is the small victories that give the student the motivation and the confidence to be successful.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Chapter 10 and Final Chapters! - Rachel Mosher

Creative Connector
Pg. 174-175: Yesenia and her confession to Mr. Michie that she does not want to leave Quincy:
I think we can all relate to this moment in some way or another. I remember how scary it felt to leave any huge milestone in my life whether it was the move from high school to college and college to now. Both moments have me feeling the way Yesenia feels; miserably sad because of the unknown and leaving all of my closest friends to move on with my life. That was a very powerful moment in the book to see just how insecure and scared these students were to go into this completely new world of challenges and possible disappointments. It is never an easy change, but one that everyone must endure and discover new things about themselves and the world that they didn’t know was there. Of course there will be obstacles along the way for Yesenia and the other students of Quincy, however, the students will live and learn along the way as they continue to grow, make mistakes, gain success, and discover new inner identity.

Pg. 182-183: Final scenes of graduation and the mariachi band performance:
This scene of graduation made me think of my own graduations and the emotions you feel on that day. It is, in reality, just an ordinary day, but it is also a huge step on someone’s path of life. I could picture this scene of the surprise mariachi band performance in my head and the absolute shock and excitement on all of the students’ faces. If I were Mr. Michie, I would do the same thing as he did and take a seat and enjoy the moment. I’m sure for him, it was one of the happiest days to see all of his students celebrating together, laughing together, crying together, and enjoying themselves together. It was a long and hard year for Mr. Michie and his students, but I have a feeling that on that day, those feelings go away for most of them as they find the good and positive outcomes of that year and look at all that they had accomplished together as a community.

The Final Chapters in Holler If You Hear Me!:
Even though Chapter 10 was the last chapter, there were still a few chapters at the end that catch up on where all of the students Mr. Michie discusses throughout the book are today. I was very compelled to read these chapters because as I read through the chapters about his students, I almost felt like I knew them and that I had this connection into their life. I wanted to check and see if the students who did go through difficult times throughout the book ended up finding happiness and success later in their lives. Most students did, others didn’t. The one story that broke my heart the most was Reggie. Reggie, who was so innocent, quiet, and polite in school, was unfortunately dealt with a difficult year when he was a subject of police brutality. Today, he remains in prison for attempted murder. It breaks my heart to read stories like this and make me wonder how and why things continued to get so hard for Reggie. I then think about myself as a teacher and how I would feel reading a story in the paper like Reggie’s about one of my former students and how that would make me feel. I know I would want to do something, or think about something I could have done better in the past maybe. Of course, that probably wouldn’t change much of what life has in store for most people, but I will always feel for and care about my students, no matter how much time has gone by since I last saw or taught them. I think that is what I took away most from this book; finding those connections with my students and holding on to them for years to come. That is, after all why I wanted to become a teacher in the first place.

Essence Extractor:
Hold on to that one thing that keeps you going as you teach, and never let it go.


Hoopla- Bustling excitement or activity; commotion

Taquitos- Small cubes

Reverberate- To reecho or resound

Demeanors- Conduct; behavior; deportment

Novios- Boyfriend

Rancheras- Popular Mexican song

Mariachi band- Mexican street band

Charros- Guady; showy

Guitarron- A large guitar

Elotes- Sweet corn; corn

Chicharrones- Cold processed meat made from pork

Balada- Ballad; a song

Chapter 10- Stephanie Baldwin

Creative Connector

p. 164
The author talks about the violence Yesenia has experienced.

I am a little concerned here when the author is talking about all of the violence that Yesenia has endured from her father.  Nowhere does he mention that he went to the police about this.  He merely just asks if her dad came back.  This makes me extremely angry.  If he didn’t do anything about Yesenia’s abuse, he doesn’t deserve to be a teacher.  It is our duty to look after the well-being of our students, especially when it’s blaringly obvious that something is wrong.  It’s one thing to care, but another to act. 

p. 164
Yesenia doesn’t want to graduate and is sobbing over this fact.

I can completely relate to Yesenia.  I did NOT want to graduate college.  All of my friends are still there and I was not ready for the “real world.”  I would get so upset just thinking about it.  Whenever my roommate wanted me to clean (I clean when I get upset or stressed), he would just mention that I was graduating.  On the day of graduation I was in the foulest of moods.  I didn’t want to be there and thought the whole thing was a waste of time.  But it’s all over now.  I can’t stop time and I have to move forward with my life.  Perhaps I’ll feel the same way again when I’m done with graduate school, but there’s no use in getting upset over it because it’s unpreventable (unless I purposely fail, which would be a waste of money).

Rigorous Researcher

Since it’s the end of the book, I’ve decided I’m going to research a few random things that I’ve wondered about throughout the book. 

Mariachi bands:

About the Back of Yards:

Essence Extractor

Success sometimes has to be intrinsically motivated.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Chapter 10!!! - Kathleen

Creative Connector
Pg 175 Yesenia to Mr. Michie about graduating the 8th grade. “It’s not the same, Here I have friends who care about me, and teachers who support me. Out there – I cant do it. It’s going to be so different.”
            She’s right it is going to be different, and she has a right to be scared. Graduating college for me felt like that, uncertain of future, not knowing what will be coming down the line for me, knowing, as she did, that no matter how hard I’ve worked that I have to start all over from scratch now and once again prove myself to a new group of people. I was struck by how similar Yesenia’s story was to my own story of school life: getting sick and crying every day because of nerves, not liking school. She progressed faster than me, it took me until about freshman year of high school to be excited about school and eat breakfast before I went. I can imagine the thoughts flying through the heads of these graduates just like they were in mine at my college graduation. How far they’d come, how far they still have to go, what’s next, and how will I deal with it. In many ways these eighth grade students are more adult in their experiences than I am now, their worries for life are very warranted.

Pg. 177 “It had probably been one wrong answer that had been the difference between a 6.8 [failing] and a 6.9 [passing], between this kid watching his friends file past him and graduating along with them.
            How can it be that this student who works through his entire middle school career and be held back by .1 of a point. It doesn’t seem right. I look at the score 6.9 means that the student  was, according to the test’s makers who are never actual teachers but professional test makers,  performing at a level equivalent to the ninth month of sixth grade. I don’t know if I’m more upset that passing eighth grade is equivalent to over a full year less of work than the kids have done, or that this random, arbitrary number can determine a student’s future.

Pg. 186 “Teachers should be encouraging students, telling them, “You have this gift. You’re very good at this.” Then kids might see school in a different way.
            Its our job to not only teach students but create life long learners. It’s the difference between those who can say I learned this, and those who can say I learned this and here’s how I will use it, how it will help me, and what else I want to learn because of it. If we don’t encourage our students to see their unique talents, as we do, then no matter how hard we push them students will never achieve more than they think they can. Some may call self esteem, or a positive self image, “touchy feely” stuff and not see the value. If you look at students in a classroom and compare those who do well and enjoy learning and those who struggle often there is a correlation between how a student performs in a classroom and how they feel about themselves.

Essence Extractor:
It is important to celebrate positive milestones in a student’s life in order to encourage them to succeed again in the future.

End of Book Reflection:
Through this class and the exploration of this book I’ve come to be analyze my own teaching practices. I am challenged to face my thinking of urban schools, and address that since I have no direct experience in an urban setting that I do have misconceptions about schools like Quincy. I know that the experiences I’ve had with students in an urban setting are almost identical to those I’ve had in suburban settings, and I know and completely believe that kids are kids no matter where they come from. Whether about urban education, learners from various ethnic or religious backgrounds or students with disabilities I need to approach teaching, not with a deficit model of thinking, but rather asking what can students bring to the table.
I don’t know if my views have been changed, so much as cemented. I have no real experience teaching in an urban setting so many of the things discussed in Holler if You Hear Me I have never experienced first hand but the themes, the major thoughts brought up in Michie’s chapters easily relate to experiences that occur in every classroom. The more I read and the more I learn about other classrooms the vision of what I want to create for my own classroom becomes more and more clear. I want to teach my curriculum with relevancy to student experience, I want to give students a voice in class, to allow them to be teachers as well as learners. My goal is to create a space where students want to learn, where they feel valued and able to share their experiences and participate in the class learning. I understand that I come into the classroom as biased and that I need to continually challenge these biases, and work to create a classroom free of bias so that my students are learning material not my opinion. No matter who they are and what challenges they may face a student is a student and deserves my respect, attention and my concentration as an individual.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Chapter 9- Stephanie Baldwin

Sorry this is late!  I was planning on posting on Wednesday but I came down with the flu and haven’t been able to do much since. 

Creative Connector
p.146 “…but he’s very quiet.  Not assertive at all.  That’s probably one of the reasons they’re doing him like they are.  Reggie’s too nice for his own good.  He’s an easy target.”
When I was in high school there was a kid much like Reggie in my class.  People would pick on him all the time and he would just take it.  It aggravated me to no end, but I didn’t want to say anything at first because I would then become a target.  As I went on through high school though, I started to get more comfortable with myself.  Eventually I ended up yelling at this kid’s bullies, telling them to leave him alone.  They of course lashed out on me but I stood my own.  I think more people need to stop being cowards and stand up for the quiet kids.  By letting other people bully, you kinda become a bully yourself. 

p.155 “How can we sleep when we cannot even trust our law enforcement officers?”
The whole ordeal with Reggie getting beaten by a police officer really makes me angry.  I am from the Albany area and I constantly hear about police officers abusing their power.  Cops are getting caught up in prostitute rings, beating people, and getting involved with drug trafficking.  I feel that police officers are meant to protect us and be an example to everyone.  Everyone knows how little kids look up to police officers.  It makes me mad to think that people get into this profession when they don’t intend to do their job and just want it for the power.  Being a police officer requires responsibility and it seems that often they don’t take it.

Vocabulary Vitalizer

Insurgent: a person who revolts against civil authority or an established government; especially a rebel not recognized as a belligerent

Mexican banda: a brass-based form of traditional music

Stonewalling: to be uncooperative, obstructive, or evasive
His ex-girlfriend was stonewalling our conversation by calling him every 2 minutes.

Affiliate: to associate as a member

Begrudgingly: to give or concede reluctantly or with displeasure
My dad begrudgingly gave me $20 after originally saying no.

Essence Extractor

A supportive community is import to a student's success. 

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Hannah Schreiber- chapter 9

This chapter focuses mostly on racism and the fight against racism. Personally, I have not had many encounters with racism, other than the knowledge that it exists. In the schools that I went to and the groups of people I hung out with it really was never an issue. What happened to Reggie though really hit a tone with me. What made it even worse is that the cop who was responsible was never really brought to full justice. In my opinion, that police officer should have lost his badge for good, not just a few weeks.

The way that the school really banded together to fight for Reggie's rights is such an indicator of what a community that school has. I think that the kind of brotherhood/sisterhood that the school emulates is really what all schools strive to have. In the previous chapter, Mr. Michie talks about how the school could be torn apart because of gang rivalry and things of that nature, but when it comes down to the wrong-doing to a fellow student the rest of the children seemed to forget whatever differences they had to band together and stand up together for Reggie's rights. Sometimes it takes a catastrophe to really bring a group of individuals together. One instance of this sort of community that I personally experienced was during my junior year at Fredonia. An individual came to campus carrying signs and a megaphone claiming that all homosexuals were damned to hell. I don't know if you have ever been to Fredonia, but I would say that 3/4 of our student population (if not much more) is either homosexual or friends with someone who is. Needless to say, this intruders words were not taken so well. I have never seen so many people standing together for the rights (and the sheer respect) of the individuals who consider themselves to be homosexual.  (Not even at the annual "naked run"-- Rachel knows what I'm talking about =]   ). Fredonia showed such a strong sense of community at that time and I like to think that even as awful as it was to have that individual be so hurtful towards so many, it really brought our student body and even faculty members together.

"You supposed to treat others the way you want to be treated.... We gotta be kind to one another." p.170 I know this quote was already used, but it is so true. Honestly, if everyone would just live by this golden rule the world would be such a wonderful place. Also, "Thumper's Rule" from the movie Bambi. "If you don't have nuffin nice to say, don't say nuffin at all." Personally, I'm really struggling with these wonderful rules in the school age class that I watch in the morning before UPK. For whatever reason there is this nasty bickering and excluding going on and no matter how many times I try to tell those particular kids to be nice to one another it just doesn't seem to get through to them. Maybe if we watch that one section from Bambi enough it'll finally get though to them!

Essence Extractor: There really are a few themes that I found in this chapter. One major theme is that when faced with catastrophe, it can really bring a group of people together. Additionally, Reggie shows that what hurts you can only make you stronger. I honestly believe that the experiences that Reggie faced in his life molded him into the young man he became at the end of the chapter.

I'm the discussion leader so I'll see you all in class!

Chapter 9 - Kathleen

I've been focussing on Reggie in this chapter instead of what happened to him. I don't understand acts of hate like this from people in power, it happens too often and there is no point. So rather than go on a rant I will write about other elements of the chapter.

Pg. 159 Reggie sings in the parking lot for Mr. Michie.
This is amazing, here's a student who will barely raise his eyes in class and now he's belting out Earth Wind and Fire. If we can find out about the passions and abilities of students we can use those to encourage and engage all students especially those struggling. We have this attitude with students with disabilities, if you're looking at the social model this is what it tells us to do: focus on ability and fit the system to meet the needs of the student. The social model works with everyone, every student. I wonder what a classroom run on this system would feel like walking into it.

Pg. 162 News reports focussing on the fact that Reggie is an honor student.
Reggie being brutalized by the police officer should be news whether or not he's an honor roll. I understand that TV stations need to keep viewings up and that sensation or pulling at the heart strings often is what gets views but Reggie shouldn't get more community care because he's an honor student, it shouldn't matter what his grades are, who his parents are, the color of his skin, what version of god he prays to or who he loves. A crime is a crime no matter who it happens to. Michie poses the question of whether this would've been reported if Reggie had been a gang member - probably only as a statistic or a vague mention of yet another violent crime.

Pg. 166 The eighth grade class honors Reggie with applause at their graduation ceremony.
The community that was built surrounding this event was astounding. I loved seeing the teachers and administrators fight for their student, seeing them teach the kids the process and flaws of our system and what they need to do to become active, informed citizens. For the students to begin the applause means that they understood the situation and were still there to fight it with Reggie years after the fact. It hurts, though, to think that maybe there were students there who were also wrongfully attacked by the police but the right people didn't see it, or no one would listen or testify for fight for you in the legal system, I couldn't help but think of the students who suffer at the hand of equal and different injustices who will leave our schools without applause. How do we change that? It becomes increasingly clear to me as I get older (even though yes I'm still only 22) that that beautiful rose colored bubble I lived in for years was carefully crafted by my parents so I wouldn't know hardship. What about those students who don't have the luxury of a bubble. How do we have a school system, law system, country that treats everyone equally? It seems like a stupid question to have about the US, we're supposed to be the land of opportunity, freedom and equality yet so many are done wrong....

As teachers we have to teach our students how live in this world and be living examples of what we preach. (This may not have been in the chapter but its what I'm thinking)

Statistics on Police Brutality

How-To Information on reporting Police Brutality

Information on An Anti-Bullying Program

The Workplace Bullying Institute (see... if we don't stop it, it keeps going!)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Chapter 9! Rachel Mosher

Creative Connector:
P. 156: Reggie’s office visit due to the racist comments:
I have mentioned this several times in other blogs, but this topic is a reoccurring event throughout the chapters in this book. The issues surrounding bullying and name-calling are issues I have said over and over again that I do not tolerate and one issue I hope to see changing more and more throughout our country. It’s devastating to think of the poor students who are subjected to bullying and name-calling and it blows my mind that those students in our schools these days have the hardest time sharing kind words with one another. I can’t put a number on how many times a day I remind students in my class to use “nice words” and remind them to be polite and respectful to each other. We as teachers need to take a stand to end bullying and name-calling for students such as Reggie and create a safe and welcoming environment in our classrooms.

P. 157-158: Reggie’s confrontation with cop brutality:
WHAT?! When I read this paragraph and quotes on what the police officer had said I was extremely shocked, hurt for Reggie, and to be honest, pissed off. This outrages me that an authority figure such as a police officer, someone who has taken an oath to serve and protect their town or city would behave this way to an innocent bystander and especially a child. Now, I’m not saying all police officers act and behave this way and I know there are cops out there who do the right thing and protect their towns, but I haven’t had the greatest experiences and confrontations with cops in my past either. Nothing to the extent of what Reggie faced, but, whenever I have found myself in conversation with a police officer, whether it is getting pulled over for a ticket or in a downtown setting, I honestly have never once been addressed kindly or felt that I was treated fairly in my opinion. I know they are police officers and they have to be tough, but when it comes down to having a decent conversation, we are all human beings and it’s about having respect for other people and talking respectfully, especially to people you don’t know. I felt for Reggie throughout this chapter and how his future opinion and perspective on other police officers that he will come into contact with throughout the rest of his life will be changed for the worse because of that horrible encounter, which is truly disheartening.

P. 170: “What I learned in church is that you supposed to treat people the way you want to be treated. Treat your neighbor as yourself. We gotta be kind to one another. I know times might get rough, but we all have our good and bad days.”
Enough said. Reggie says it all in a few short sentences of what we should all carry around with us and something we should all think about. I hope on my worst days I think about some of the things Reggie says in his passage the way he looks at life, even after everything he has been through. He still looks at each day as a new day to do something great and treat others with respect, no matter what, no questions asked.

Essence Extractor:
Be kind to everyone you meet; we are all fighting our own secret battles.

Idea Illustrator:
I decided to take the theme of “anti-bullying”, going off of Reggie’s main points made in his passage. Here are some fun ones I found and possible ideas for creative posters to be hung in a classroom!:-)