Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Chapter 8- Stephanie Baldwin

Creative Connector

“’That’s not gonna happen to me,” he huffed assuredly. ‘Ain’t no way.  This kid’s not going that route.’”

I know this sentiment very well.  I remember driving in the car with my dad when I was in junior high and telling him that I would never have sex, try any drugs, or drink alcohol.  I think this came after seeing one of my older brothers royally mess up.  Needless to say, I didn’t stick to 13-year-old convictions.  As young teenagers we’re so idealistic, but not so realistic.  People and events have influences on us to change our minds.

“’Man, this kid’s got some talent!’ That was my first thought upon unearthing Marvelous’s artwork.  My second was, ‘He must’ve been working on this all period.  How did he sketch this whole thing out without me noticing until now?’”

While student teaching I had these students who constantly challenged me.  These students were especially good at making me laugh when I really shouldn’t have been.  Most of the stuff they said or did was inappropriate for the classroom, but still hilarious and sometimes witty.  But as a teacher I had to be stern and discourage that kind of behavior. 

Essence Extractor
In order to address serious issues in the classroom, you have to be tough.

1 comment:

  1. Stephanie- I'm glad that you mentioned the quote on Ahmed's comments when he says he won't ever become one of those gang members. As teenager's we all vow in someway to not do this or that or turn into a person we hope not to become but the truth is, we all have to make mistakes and go through experiences we never thought we would to learn and grow. It's sad to see students change into something they weren't when that situation can be harmful to their lives and possible futures but it is all apart of the journey and in a way, we should accept these changes and let them happen so that students will go through them and grow from them. - Rachel
