Friday, November 12, 2010

Chapter 9- Stephanie Baldwin

Sorry this is late!  I was planning on posting on Wednesday but I came down with the flu and haven’t been able to do much since. 

Creative Connector
p.146 “…but he’s very quiet.  Not assertive at all.  That’s probably one of the reasons they’re doing him like they are.  Reggie’s too nice for his own good.  He’s an easy target.”
When I was in high school there was a kid much like Reggie in my class.  People would pick on him all the time and he would just take it.  It aggravated me to no end, but I didn’t want to say anything at first because I would then become a target.  As I went on through high school though, I started to get more comfortable with myself.  Eventually I ended up yelling at this kid’s bullies, telling them to leave him alone.  They of course lashed out on me but I stood my own.  I think more people need to stop being cowards and stand up for the quiet kids.  By letting other people bully, you kinda become a bully yourself. 

p.155 “How can we sleep when we cannot even trust our law enforcement officers?”
The whole ordeal with Reggie getting beaten by a police officer really makes me angry.  I am from the Albany area and I constantly hear about police officers abusing their power.  Cops are getting caught up in prostitute rings, beating people, and getting involved with drug trafficking.  I feel that police officers are meant to protect us and be an example to everyone.  Everyone knows how little kids look up to police officers.  It makes me mad to think that people get into this profession when they don’t intend to do their job and just want it for the power.  Being a police officer requires responsibility and it seems that often they don’t take it.

Vocabulary Vitalizer

Insurgent: a person who revolts against civil authority or an established government; especially a rebel not recognized as a belligerent

Mexican banda: a brass-based form of traditional music

Stonewalling: to be uncooperative, obstructive, or evasive
His ex-girlfriend was stonewalling our conversation by calling him every 2 minutes.

Affiliate: to associate as a member

Begrudgingly: to give or concede reluctantly or with displeasure
My dad begrudgingly gave me $20 after originally saying no.

Essence Extractor

A supportive community is import to a student's success. 

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