Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Chapter 10- Stephanie Baldwin

Creative Connector

p. 164
The author talks about the violence Yesenia has experienced.

I am a little concerned here when the author is talking about all of the violence that Yesenia has endured from her father.  Nowhere does he mention that he went to the police about this.  He merely just asks if her dad came back.  This makes me extremely angry.  If he didn’t do anything about Yesenia’s abuse, he doesn’t deserve to be a teacher.  It is our duty to look after the well-being of our students, especially when it’s blaringly obvious that something is wrong.  It’s one thing to care, but another to act. 

p. 164
Yesenia doesn’t want to graduate and is sobbing over this fact.

I can completely relate to Yesenia.  I did NOT want to graduate college.  All of my friends are still there and I was not ready for the “real world.”  I would get so upset just thinking about it.  Whenever my roommate wanted me to clean (I clean when I get upset or stressed), he would just mention that I was graduating.  On the day of graduation I was in the foulest of moods.  I didn’t want to be there and thought the whole thing was a waste of time.  But it’s all over now.  I can’t stop time and I have to move forward with my life.  Perhaps I’ll feel the same way again when I’m done with graduate school, but there’s no use in getting upset over it because it’s unpreventable (unless I purposely fail, which would be a waste of money).

Rigorous Researcher

Since it’s the end of the book, I’ve decided I’m going to research a few random things that I’ve wondered about throughout the book. 

Mariachi bands:

About the Back of Yards:

Essence Extractor

Success sometimes has to be intrinsically motivated.

1 comment:

  1. Stephanie: I also commented on the difficult process of graduation and Yesenia's difficulty with this. I feel that no matter if I were a student graduating, or watching my own students graduate, I would be just as sad to see this new phase of their life! However, I would be overwhelmed with happiness and so proud of all of their accomplishments up to this very day. I also like your research on the Back of the Yards! I have thought about this area for a few chapters now that the author mentions it more and more and very interested to see what it was like! Thanks for the link and sharing that:) - Rachel
