Saturday, November 20, 2010

Final Reflections - Rachel Mosher

In what ways have you examined fundamental beliefs about diverse learners with respect to learning and teaching
            Since reading Holler If You Hear Me, the teaching methods and approaches to diverse learners suggested by Greg Michie throughout his book and really shown me how diverse we must be as teachers to reach individual students. Mr. Michie’s approach to teaching truly impacted the way students were able to connect to one another and appreciate their community and environment around them. My beliefs about diverse learners in respect to learning and teaching has been strengthened by the many ways Mr. Michie took the time to dig deeper with his students and teach according to the student interest, learning styles, and so on. He was able to connect with his students on a different level and touched their lives on personal levels where they felt comfortable enough to open their minds to new possibilities.

How or in what ways have you reframed your perspectives on diversity with the intent to inform future practice?
I spoke to this question during our class discussion this week, but I have to say that my perspective has completely taken a major turn in my original perspective on teaching in an urban setting. I would once have to agree and say that I was very opposed to the idea of ever teaching in an urban setting school district. I was never really exposed to this type of setting and from all of the rumors I had heard about teaching in the urban setting, I remember saying I many occasions that it would actually scare me to teach in this type of environment. After reading the rewarding and amazing journey Mr. Michie made with his students in an urban setting, I now feel ashamed and embarrassed for ever feeling scared or making these comments about teaching in an urban setting. I realize that I had a major “single story” when it came to teachers and students in an urban setting school district. I now feel that my opinion and perspective on the possibility of teaching in an urban setting has completely changed and I am much more open to the idea of having a future teaching job in an urban school district.

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